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Magento2 gallery afterLoad callback

If you need to do any JavaScript  code after Magento gallery is loaded you can use this event in your code

<script type="text/javascript">
    require(['jquery', 'mage/gallery/gallery'], function($, gallery){
        $('[data-gallery-role=gallery-placeholder]').on('gallery:loaded', function () {
          // write your code here

it is the best code that i used, I hope this will help you


Magento2 Refresh Cache for Single Product

Magento’s cache management system saves loaded data, configuration, instructions, images, assets, and more for increased performance loading and rapid access on the storefront. It offers increased stability on your website during heavy user load and greater customer browsing activity. Having a slow-performing website can also negatively impact your conversion

You can use this code to refresh the cache for single product

Magento2 indexes

First of all you need to change the directory to  shell folder under magento root


Checking for the status of all indexes

php bin/magento indexer:status

Re-indexing a single index
Each index has its own index key that you can use to reference it when asking Magento to re-index. To get these keys, you can use the following command:

php bin/magento indexer:info


Magento1 indexes

First of all you need to change the directory to  shell folder under magento root

{Magento root}/shell


Checking for the status of all indexes

php indexer.php --status

Re-indexing a single index
Each index has its own index key that you can use to reference it when asking Magento to re-index. To get these keys, you can use the following command:

php indexer.php --info


Magento2 log messages

Hi, In this wiki  we will show you how we can logging in Magento2 

as you know in Magento1, we can doing log by this code


Mage::log("You message here");


but in magento2 this code will not work, we can easily log by this code

in your file just you need to make new instance of Object Manager, then we will create a new object of LoogerInterface

Magento2 Create Configurable Product via Rest in PHP

In this wiki we will see how can we create new configurable product using rest in magento2.

- First let us write the configurations (URL's,username,password)

// configuration Data
$product_url=$url. "rest/V1/products";
$username="your admin username";
$password="your admin password";


- Then let us get access token

Magento2 Create Simple Product via Rest in PHP

In this wiki we will see how can we create new simple product using rest in magento2.

- First let us write the configurations (URL's,username,password)

// configuration Data
$product_url=$url. "rest/V1/products";
$username="your admin username";
$password="your admin password";


- Then let us get access token